Monday 7 November 2011


The truth of slums
Slums populate over half of the cities that they are located in. slums are rundown areas of a city chartered by sub standing housing and squalor and lacking in tamer security. Slums negatively affect the human population; because people living in slums live in unsanitary conditions, high poverty rate, and limited amount of living space. Slums are bad for human population because they are extremly unsanitary.
            Slums are bad for human population because there is a high health risk living there because there are open sewage and no actual plumbing. In page 3, it says “brown green water flowing through an open ditch”. From this quote you learn that there is raw sewage flowing through the streets of the is extremly dangerous because people can get E. colie and other bacteria. People living there are used to it because it is an every day thing for them. And they just shrug it off like if is nothing. In conclusion people in slums are very unsanitary and almost everyone that live in slums are extremely poor.

            People in slums are extreme poor because it is hard to accumulate enough money to leave some were else. In page 4, it says,” with less then one dollar a day you can survive in kiberas slums.” In this quote you learn that you only need a dollar for bare minumue life style. In one-year people in slums make an average of five hundred dollars. People all over the world struggle but out of all of them slum dweller’s struggle the most. In conclusion slums have a high poverty rate but in addition people in slums are all cramped up and squished.
            When living in slums you are mostlikely living in a shack with a large family and extended family living there. In page 3, it says,” she lives with her four children, her husband and her in-laws.” All eight of them are crowded up into a one-room shack, and there is almost nothing they can do about it.  It’s hard for families because they have more expenses when they have extended family living with them. It is really a Burdon if they are older or really young to the point were they are not able to work. Slums have a major affect on population because how big of a useless space it is.
            Slums are horrible places because they are unsanitary, high poverty rate, and a limited amount of living reality slums are just really big dumps that people live in. think about this, how would you fell if you lived in a slum and there is nothing you can do about it, there is no way out.

Work cited
1)   Blythe, Nils. Mumbai's Slum Life Poses World Problem. 26, February, 2008.
     Business Correspondent, BBC News, Mumbai, India

2)   Eaves, Elisabeth. Two Billion Slum Dwellers. 6 November 2006.

3)  Fink, Sheri. Cities of the Poor : Life in the Slums (Kenya)
    18 December, 2006. "Public Radio International: The World"

4)  Online Database: ABC-CLIO. Urbanization. 2011
     "World Geography: Understanding a Changing World."

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