Wednesday 19 October 2011


  1. slums are over populate more then half the city's they are located in.
  2. slums are run down areas of a city charterized by substanding housings and sqular and lacking of tenure security
  3. slums have a neggative affect on human population because people in slums live in unsanitary conditions, there is a high poverty rate, and a limited amount of space
  4. slums affect human population because they are very unsanitary.

2nd paragraph
  1. slums are bad for human population because  there is a high health risk when living there because there are opean sewers running through the slum and therr is no actull plumbing. 
  2. in page 3 it says,"brown green water flowing through an open ditch"
  3. from this quote you can learn that there is raw sewage flowin through the streets of slums. that is an extremely unhealthy for people liveing there. people can get E.coli and other bacteria
  4. to people there it is a every day thing but really they are in real danger to them but they just ignore it.
  5. in conclusion in slums people are very unsanitary and in addition almost everybody that live in slums are extremely poor.
3rd paragraph
  1. people in slums are so poor because it is very difficult for them to find jobs.
  2. in page 4 it says, with less then a dollar you can survive  and kibera is a good place to live if you need to earn that dollar a day"
  3. from this quote you learn that in order to live in this slum you only need a dollar to survive for one day. wit h that you can buy food for your self and your family on average people in slums make about less then $500 a year.
  4. people struggle just to get all over the world but really slum dwellers are the ones who stuggle the most.
  5. in conclusion slums have high poverty rate but in addition people  are cramped up and squished in to shacks in slums

4th paragraph
  1. when living in slums you are most likely in a shack with more then an average sized family living in there.
  2. in page 3 it says, " she lives her with her four children, her husband and her in laws. all eight of them are crowded into a one room shack.
  3. in this quote it explains that there is a whole family of 8 living in one small shack, and there is almost nothing they can do about it besides leaving the slums for some were better.
  4. living in slums is hard, cramped, and dangerous but it is cheep.
  5. slums have a major affect on human population because how useless and bad it is.
  1. slums are horrible places because they are extremely unsanitary,high poverty rate, and limited amount of space for everyone.
  2. slums are really dumps were people live
  3. how would you fell if you lived a dump and there was no way out of it.

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